Jožka Horak

Marketing Greater Social Justice


The current research, Marketing for Greater Social Justice explores the most effective approaches for designers to work with social enterprises, in establishing and maintaining strong marketing and brand presence. The practice-based research investigated barriers and risks, by testing design and marketing strategies through a reflective process of trial and error. For this research, design thinking provided a non-linear, interactive process, which challenged assumptions, help understand the values of social enterprises, redefine the problems and created innovative solutions to prototype and testing through each phase. The research offers insight into designers’ journey of revelations learning to transition from traditional design ‘expert’ approaches to human-centric design frameworks, when working with social justice organisations.

  • Research poster  1
The purpose of this phase was to define the research question and subquestions, evaluate the design plan and first stages of proposal. Initially, primary data collection via semi-structured interviews and secondary data collection via literature analysis and practice precedents, revealed that the reason Social Enterprises don't have a strong brand and marketing presence is due to a lack of knowledge, understanding and finances. Further discussions with the participant included explanation of the important role of marketing and identifying the needs of the social enterprise. With all this in mind, the researcher developed a marketing and brand strategic plan, consisting of desired outcome, deliverables and deadlines.
  • Research poster 1
    The purpose of this phase was to define the research question and subquestions, evaluate the design plan and first stages of proposal. Initially, primary data collection via semi-structured interviews and secondary data collection via literature analysis and practice precedents, revealed that the reason Social Enterprises don't have a strong brand and marketing presence is due to a lack of knowledge, understanding and finances. Further discussions with the participant included explanation of the important role of marketing and identifying the needs of the social enterprise. With all this in mind, the researcher developed a marketing and brand strategic plan, consisting of desired outcome, deliverables and deadlines.

  • Research poster 2. 
Some hesitations from the participant regarding traditional business models, saw the research heavily draw on the Design Thinking Model. The ‘Emphasizing’ , enabled me to step outside my own bias, assume expertise and attempt to embody the experience of the participant, to understand the needs that needed to be resolved. 
Firstly, I revisited the literature, by adjusting the search parameters from a more empathetic and human-centric lens. This time returning a vast amount of results promoting tailored marketing approaches, emphasising the critical importance of collaborating with social enterprises and encouraging them to participate in the design process.
The research aim evolved from ‘proving that marketing and branding approaches would benefit the social enterprise’ to ‘how to work collaboratively with the social enterprise to benefit from marketing and branding strategies’.
  • Research poster 2.
    Some hesitations from the participant regarding traditional business models, saw the research heavily draw on the Design Thinking Model. The ‘Emphasizing’ , enabled me to step outside my own bias, assume expertise and attempt to embody the experience of the participant, to understand the needs that needed to be resolved. 
Firstly, I revisited the literature, by adjusting the search parameters from a more empathetic and human-centric lens. This time returning a vast amount of results promoting tailored marketing approaches, emphasising the critical importance of collaborating with social enterprises and encouraging them to participate in the design process.
    The research aim evolved from ‘proving that marketing and branding approaches would benefit the social enterprise’ to ‘how to work collaboratively with the social enterprise to benefit from marketing and branding strategies’.

  • Research poster 3.
The main focus of this phase was to ensure the research project would benefit the social enterprise long-term. The benefit of enabling the social enterprise to manage the marketing tools in-house, is that it will save cost and they will be able to build personal relationships with and respond to the target audience. From here it was agreed that I would utilise the last phase of the research to develop and design a Digital Marketing Manual.
The Digital Marketing Manual, is a set of easy-read guidelines to effectively manage, maintain and evolve the developed digital marketing tools. The aim of the manual is to ensure the social enterprise is able to maintain the marketing strategies and sustains a strong digital presence. The manual was designed specifically responding to Tasty Az requirements, however it can be
further developed and adapted to suit other social enterprises.
  • Research poster 3.
    The main focus of this phase was to ensure the research project would benefit the social enterprise long-term. The benefit of enabling the social enterprise to manage the marketing tools in-house, is that it will save cost and they will be able to build personal relationships with and respond to the target audience. From here it was agreed that I would utilise the last phase of the research to develop and design a Digital Marketing Manual.
    The Digital Marketing Manual, is a set of easy-read guidelines to effectively manage, maintain and evolve the developed digital marketing tools. The aim of the manual is to ensure the social enterprise is able to maintain the marketing strategies and sustains a strong digital presence. The manual was designed specifically responding to Tasty Az requirements, however it can be
    further developed and adapted to suit other social enterprises.

  • Artefacts

  • Select Bibliography

    1. Asgari, M 2019, ‘Entrepreneurial Marketing: The Missing Link in Social Enterprise Studies’, Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, vol. 9.1, pp. 1-12. Web.

    2. Hume, C & Hume, M 2015, ‘The Critical Role of Internal Marketing in Knowledge Management in Not-for-Profit Organizations’, Journal of Non profit & Public Sector Marketing, vol.1.

    3. Powell, M, & Osborne, P 2015, ‘Can marketing contribute to sustainable social enterprise?’
    Social Enterprise Journal, vol. 11.