The Conundrum of Authentic Advertising
The aim of this research is to explore how advertising can embrace authenticity by delivering a message that is synonymous with a brand’s value. This project seeks to address how advertising practitioners can rebuild the trust lost due to …Read more
1. Crawford, R. (2006) ‘‘Truth in Advertising’: The Impossible Dream?’, Media International Australia, 119(1), pp. 124–137. etrieved from https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1329878X0611900112
2. Pillot, DCS 2018, “Brands are Built on Trust.” The Post-Truth Business: How to Rebuild Brand Authenticity in a Distrusting World, Kogan Page, Limited, London. Retrieved from https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/rmit/detail.action?docID=5527500.
3. Snyder, W 2016, Ethics in Advertising: Making the Case for Doing the Right Thing, Taylor & Francis Group, London. Retrieved from https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/rmit/detail.action?docID=4732363.
By: Alan Fong -
Year: 2021
- Keywords:
- Advertising
- Authenticity
- Ethics
- Brand Values
- Trust
Preserving Wayang Golek through Activity-based Lesson Plan in Primary School
Wayang Golek is a three-dimensional wooden doll art performance originating in the traditional Sundanese culture of West Java. It is now one of the many cultural practices facing the threat of extinction due to the lack of knowledge in young …Read more
Goodarzparvari, P., & Camejo, F. C. B., 2018, Preservation of Cultural Heritage via Education of Children, Utilizing Visual Communication: Persepolis as a Case Study. Creative Education, 9, pp. 141-151.
Esteban-Guitart, M, Identity in Education and Education in Identities: Connecting Curriculum and School Practice to Students’ Lives and Identities, Girona, Spain.
McMahon, T, O’Neill, G, 2005, Student-centred Learning: What Does It Mean for Students and Lecturers?, Dublin, Ireland.
By: Amanda Lee -
Year: 2021
- Keywords:
- Cultural preservation
- Indonesian culture
- Student-centred learning
- Creative teaching
- Lesson plan
- Teaching resources
Medium and Message; Taking Digital Art Out of Context.
This research project is an investigation into contemporary book design and intends to explore how digital art can be documented in a printed artefact. The practice-based research project is an exploration into how form, meaning and context can be …Read more
1. Amaral, L 2011, ‘The Festive Character of Cyber Art’, Technoetic Arts, vol. 8, no. 3(3), pp.255- 265.
2. Bachmann, C & Helmgartner, S (eds) 2017 Book – Material – Text. Essays on the Materiality, Mediality and Textuality of the (e)Book. Ruhr-University Bochum.
3. Kwastek, K 2013 Aesthetics of Interaction in Digital Art, Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT Press.
By: Ashley Jane Goodall -
Year: 2019
- Keywords:
- Digital Art
- Materiality
- Publication Design
- Material Translation
- Practice-Based Research
Discussions of Personality and Personal Effects–Visual Communication and Publication Design as a Tool for Complimenting Collections.
This fourteen week artifact led research project sought to create and explore intersections between personality, personal effects, curation and collections through visual communication and publication design. This act of making, as reflected in a ser …Read more
1. Splawa-Neyman,T (2015) ‘Discussion withThree Jackets: Making a Material Ecology’, Design Ecologies, Stockholm, Volume 6
2. Tonkinwise, C (2005) ‘Is Design Finished?: Dematerialisation and Changing Things’, Design Philosophy Papers, Volume 3, Number 2
By: Cameron Stevens -
Year: 2019
- Keywords:
- Visual Communication Design
- Personal Collections
I got the power: an exploration of service design to empower student participation in designing solutions for self-regulated learning
This project sought to improve students’ abilities to perform self-regulated learning. Through a design practice employing service design and participatory design methods and tools, I spoke with, observed and worked with students to understand …Read more
1. Akama, Y, Cooper, R, Vaughan, L, Viller, S, Simpson, M, & Yuille, J 2007, ‘Show and tell: Accessing and communicating implicit knowledge through artefacts’, The Interaction of Practice and Theory, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 172-181.
2. Baron, NS, Calixte, RM & Havewala, M 2017, ‘The persistence of print among university students: An exploratory study’, Telematics and Informatics, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 590-604.
3. Zimmerman, BJ, & Moylan, AR 2009, ‘Prototype Evaluation in Service Design: A Case Study at an Emergency Ward. In N. M. Roozenburg’, Handbook of metacognition in education, Routledge, New York.
By: Daniel Yakup -
Year: 2019
- Keywords:
- service design
- human-centred design
- self-regulated learning
- co-production
- sustainable learning
The Neurodiverse Connections Design Research Toolkit
Design as a social science promotes inclusivity and the value of universal accessibility, yet disappointingly practitioners often exclude diverse populations in design research and development. Our creations so often reject these users, who are …Read more
1. Holmes, K., 2018. Mismatch. Boston: MIT Press
2. Gaudion, K., Hall, A., Myerson, J. and Pellicano, L. 2015,
A designer’s approach: how can autistic adults with
learning disabilities be involved in the design process?.
CoDesign, 11(1), pp.49-69.3. Dong, H., McGinley, C., Nickpour, F. and Cifter, A., 2015.
Designing for designers: Insights into the knowledge
users of inclusive design. Applied Ergonomics, 46, pp.284-
By: Harry Daniel -
Year: 2020
- Keywords:
- Service Design
- research critique
- neurodiversity
Easy navigation from A to B: designing a user-centred map for Melbourne Public Transport
Melbourne has a large and complex public transport system, including buses, trams, trains and so on. However, these different systems usually have their own operating routes and maps. For the users, it is a huge challenge if they want to switch …Read more
1. Federica, and Alex (2017) The Stories Behind a Line. Retrieved from https://www.storiesbehindaline.com
2. Chizutodesign (2018) The Tokyo Last Train Map is the Perfect Art Print for Night Owls. Retrieved from https://www.spoon-tamago.com/2018/09/14/the-tokyo-last-train-map-is-the-perfect-art-print-for-night-owls/
By: I-An Chang -
Year: 2020
- Keywords:
- User Experience
- map design
- Wayfinding
- Melbourne
- public transport
- and mixing transport modes
On Practice
systemic and institutional constraints. Along this journey, this project also explores the sub questions of: How might reflection facilitate a better understanding of practice? How might engagement with community inform practice? Finally, how might …Read more
1. Brinkers, Erwin, Dungen, Danny Van Den, and Stolk, Marieke (2008). Experimental Jetset - Design and Ideology. Retrieved from https://www.experimentaljetset.nl/archive/design-ideology.
2. Owens, Mark. (2006). ‘Graphics Incognito’ in Dot Dot Dot 12, New York: Princeton Architectural Press.
3. Van der Velden, Daniel, ‘Research & Destroy: Graphic Design as Investigation’, Metropolis M, April/May 2006. Reprinted in Blauvelt, Andrew, Ellen Lupton, and Rob Giampietro. Graphic Design: Now in Production. Minneapo-lis, MN: Walker Art Center, 2011, pp. 16–18.
By: James Ratsasane -
Year: 2018
- Keywords:
- Reflective Practice
- Publication Design
- Manifesto
- User Experience
- Practice-Based Research
Loco Devanagari
While typography incorporates optimising its readability, legibility and graphic balance, it is in enormous part, about its purpose and functionality. In wayfinding design, typography plays a major role by displaying information, and good typography …Read more
1. Dalvi, G., 2008, Anatomy of Devanagari Typefaces, viewed 14 July.
2. Govindaraju, Venu., and Setlur, Srirangaraj., 2010, Guide to OCR for Indic Scripts Document Recognition and Retrieval. 1st Ed. 2010. ed. London: Springer London: Imprint: Springer, Web.
3. Naik, Bapurao S., 1971,– ‘Typography of Devanāgarī, Volume II. Mumbai: Directorate of Languages.
By: Janhavi Nikharge -
Year: 2020
- Keywords:
- Type Design
- Devanagari script
- LED Matrix Display
- Wayfinding in India
- Railway Indicator
- Matrix Typeface
- Indic scripts
How to use service design to achieve a win-win situation for merchants, consumers and the environment?
In this project, I explore ways to achieve a balance between the benefits of supermarket, consumers and the environment through the research questions guiding this investigation: How to use service design to achieve a win-win situation for …Read more
1. Adi, W, Dorith, T & Mark, S 2013, ‘Sustainability as service’, Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, vol. 4, pp. 103-114.
2. Akama, Y, Ivanka, T, Duque, M, Sanin, J & Jacob, V 2014, Designing future designers: a propositional framework for teaching sustainability, RMIT Learning and Teaching for Sustainability Fellowship, Melbourne.
By: Jiayi Zhang -
Year: 2020
- Keywords:
- Service Design
- Sustainability
Explore Approaches to Evoke Happiness in Photography and Typography
Inspired by documentary photography, I observed and recorded life in detail for a month in this project. Every time I feel emotional fluctuations, I freeze the picture by taking photos with mobile phone and record the moments that make me feel happy …Read more
Carrión U (2001) The new art of making books.
Norman D A (2004) Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things, Perseus Books Group.
Vaughan L & Akama Y (2009) Engaging with ku: From abstraction to meaning through the practice of noticing, in Thomas Daniell, Stanley Russell, Benoit Jacquet (ed.) Proceedings of The Architecture of Phenomenology Conference 2009, Japan, 26-29 June, 2009, pp. 1-16.
By: Jie Ji -
Year: 2022
- Keywords:
- photography
- typography
- emotion
- publication
A storytelling experience to engage children with environment sustainability
This research investigates nature bonding as a strategy to foster pro-environmental behaviours in children; it ventures to design a storytelling experience for children aged five to eight in Victoria, Australia, to engage them with environmental …Read more
1. Akama, Y, Hagen, P & Whaanga-Schollum, D 2019, ‘Problematizing Replicable Design to Practice Respectful, Reciprocal, and Relational Co-designing with Indigenous People’, Design and Culture: The Journal of the Design Studies Forum, vol.11, no.1, pp.59-84.
2. De Bretteville, SL & Lupton, E 2020, ‘Care and Inclusion’, in L Wood & B Haylock (eds), One and many mirrors: perspectives on graphic design education, Occasional Papers and The Physics Room, pp. 24-31.
3. Kahn, PH & Weiss, T 2017, ‘The Importance of Children Interacting with Big Nature’, Children, Youth and Environments, vol.27, no. 2, pp. 7-24, viewed 14 April 2021, JSTOR.
By: Josephine Hermanto -
Year: 2021
- Keywords:
- educational design
- human-centred design
- storytelling
Marketing Greater Social Justice
The current research, Marketing for Greater Social Justice explores the most effective approaches for designers to work with social enterprises, in establishing and maintaining strong marketing and brand presence. The practice-based research …Read more
1. Asgari, M 2019, ‘Entrepreneurial Marketing: The Missing Link in Social Enterprise Studies’, Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, vol. 9.1, pp. 1-12. Web.
2. Hume, C & Hume, M 2015, ‘The Critical Role of Internal Marketing in Knowledge Management in Not-for-Profit Organizations’, Journal of Non profit & Public Sector Marketing, vol.1.
3. Powell, M, & Osborne, P 2015, ‘Can marketing contribute to sustainable social enterprise?’
Social Enterprise Journal, vol. 11.
By: Jožka Horak -
Year: 2020
- Keywords:
- Critical Design
- social enterprise
- social justice
- branding
- marketing
- design thinking
A design exploration on visual and symbolic languages that aid critical thinking
This foundation of this research question is how to induce users to engage in active critical thinking. Visual language is more easily accepted and understood by users, emojis as a part of visual language. In the case of dialogue, emojis are widely …Read more
Connie M, 2009,Visual Language for Designers:Principles for Creating Graphics That People Understand. Rockport Publishers.
Farhoomand, A and Drury, D 2002, Managerial Information Overload. Communications of the ACM vol.45, no.10, pp.127-31.
McNiff, J and Whitehead, J 2011, All you need to know about action research, 2nd edition. SAGE Publications.
By: Junjie Fan -
Year: 2021
- Keywords:
- Emojis
- Stickers
- Critical thinking
- Visual languages
Redesigning WeChat for Seniors
This research project investigates how to design apps on smartphones based on user-centred design theory to improve the experiences of seniors. Based on my grandfather's terrible experience with WeChat, a Chinese social network, I investigated and …Read more
1. Subramanyam, A., Singh, S. & Raut, N. 2018, "Mobile phone use in the elderly: Boon or bane?", Journal of Geriatric Mental Health, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 81-83.
2. Kammerhofer, D. & Scholz, J. 2020, "An Approach to Decompose and Evaluate a Complex GIS-Application Design to a Simple, Lightweight, User-Centered App-Based Design Using User Experience Evaluation", ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, vol. 9, no. 9, pp. 505.
3. Brhel, M., Meth, H., Maedche, A. & Werder, K. 2015, "Exploring principles of user-centered agile software
By: Lei Zhang -
Year: 2021
- Keywords:
- seniors
- user-centered design
- empathy
- simplification
Chinese symbols in Australia
This practice-based research has focused on the Chinese symbols in Australia. It was the first attempt to explore and reveal Asian historical and cultural symbols in non-Asian countries. It started with the inquiry to the use of Chinese symbols in …Read more
1. Burks, A, 1958, The Collected Papers. Volumes 7 & 8. Ed. Cambridge M.A.: Harvard University Press.
2. Arvatu, A, 2011, “Spectres of Freud: The Figure of the Archive in Derrida and Foucault”, Mosaic: a journal for the interdisciplinary study of literature.
3. Geertz, C, 1985, Local Knowledge: Further Essays In Interpretive
Anthropology, Basic Books; 3rd ed. edition
By: Longwen Wei -
Year: 2021
- Keywords:
- Communication design
- book design
- symbols
- local knowledge
- chinese culture
Challenging Women’s Beauty Standards in Media Through Type Design
Various cultures have different definitions of beauty. However, due to mass media having an outsized role in conveying cultural norms about what is deemed beautiful, the distinct representation of beauty in many cultures may have been muddled. …Read more
1. Givhan, R & Morales, H 2020, The idea of beauty is always shifting. Today, it’s more inclusive than ever., National Geographic, viewed 17 September 2021, https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/article/beauty-today-celebrates-all-social-media-plays-a-role-feature.
2. Grogan, S 2016, Body Image : Understanding Body Dissatisfaction in Men, Women and Children, 3rd edn, Taylor & Francis Group, Melbourne, Australia.
3. Soulellis, P 2021, What is queer typography?, Soulellis, viewed 21 October 2021, https://soulellis.com/writing/tdc2021/.
By: Marleena Tedja -
Year: 2021
- Keywords:
- human-centred design
- beauty standards
- women
- media
- experimental
Speculating on Plausible Manipulation of Personal Data Experience trailer, Ali 2029
This project is undertaking the Speculative Design methodology to investigate how personal data may be manipulated in the future. Data is a powerful tool for narrating stories and predicting the future. Since personal data on Facebook has been …Read more
1. Auger, J 2013, Speculative Design: Crafting the Speculation, Digital Creativity, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 11-35.
2. Dunne, A & Raby, F 2013, Speculative Everything : Design, Fiction, and Social Dreaming, The MIT Press, Cambridge, US.
3. Foucault, M 1980, Language, counter-memory, practice: Selected essays and interviews, Cornell University Press, New York, US.
4. Greengard, S 2018, Weighing the impact of GDPR Greengard¡, Samuel Communications of the ACM, vol.61, pp.16-18.
5. Karlberg M, 2005, The Power of Discrouse and The Discrouse of Power: Pursuing Peace through Discourse Intervention¡¯, International Journal of Peace Studies, vol.10, no.1, pp.1-25.
By: Melena Juzheng Wang -
Year: 2019
- Keywords:
- Personal Data
- Speculative Design
- Experience Trailer
- User Experience.
How can communication design practice be used to speculate about humans adapting to life underwater
This research project investigates the future possibility of humans living in the ocean through speculative design. Through a design project, I speculate on the future through the imagining of a city. To be specific, the design of the city …Read more
1. Cavaglieri, 1947. Outline for a history of city planning from prehistory to the fall of the Roma empire. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians., 6, p.22.
2. Exploring Our Fluid Earth, 2021. Light in the Ocean. viewed 2 May 2021. <https://manoa.hawaii.edu/exploringourfluidearth/physical/ocean-depths/light-ocean#:~:text=Light with longer wavelengths is,able to penetrate more deeply.>
3. National oceanic and atmospheric administration. 2021. How far does light travel in the ocean? viewed 21 May 2021. https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/light_travel.html
N.d., 2017. Bioluminescence; New Findings from Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute in the Area of Bioluminescence Described (Bioluminescence spectra from three deep-sea polychaete worms). Ecology, Environment & Conservation, 1028. ISSN 1945-6492.4.Dunne, A.& Raby, F. 2013.
Speculative Everything: Design, Fiction, and Social Dreaming. MIT Press.
By: Mingtao Ma -
Year: 2021
- Keywords:
- Speculative design,communication design,sustainable design,city planning,booklet.
How can service design make students/newcomers visit more often in the traditional food market? (Queen Victoria Market)
In great aspects, the traditional market is the epitome of a country (Putra & Rudito 2015). Due to urbanization, the structural changes of society lead to the increasing negligence of the social fabric, which has accumulated over the years (Kim, …Read more
1. Akama, Y, Cooper, R, Vaughan, L, Viller, S, Simpson, M, & Yuille, J 2007, ‘Show and tell: Accessing and communicating implicit knowledge through artefacts’, The Interaction of Practice and Theory, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 172-181
2. Barlow, Mike, Lévy‐Bencheton & Cornelia 2018, Human‐Centered Design. In Smart Cities, Smart Future, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, USA
3. Blomkvist, J & Holmlid, S 2011b, ‘Prototype Evaluation in Service Design: A Case Study at an Emergency Ward. In N. M. Roozenburg’, LL Chen & PJ Stappers (eds), Proceedings of IASDR2011, the 4th World Conference on Design Research, Delft, the Netherlands, pp. 11.
By: Nicholas Shu -
Year: 2019
- Keywords:
- traditional market
- service design
- shopping behaviour
- ethnography
- human centred design
Daily News: A digital Platform for Local Journalism
With the rapid development of information technology and the integration of media industry and Internet technology, the speed of news and information dissemination is getting faster and faster, and the scope of dissemination is getting wider and …Read more
1. PBS NEWS HOUR (2020) Local newsrooms across the country are closing. Here’s why that matters, Mather website, accessed 10 October 2022. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/local-newsrooms-across-the-country-are-closing-heres-why-that-matters
2. Lionel Barber (2022) Digital transformation in media: why digital content is enhancing print content | FT services for organisations, Financial Times website, accessed 18 October 2022. https://enterprise.ft.com/en-gb/blog/digital-transformation-media-why-digital-content-enhancing-print-content/
3. Bertin Martens, Luis Aguiar, Estrella Gomez-Herrera & Frank Mueller-Langer (European Commission) (2018) The digital transformation of news media and the rise of disinformation and fake news, Europawebsite, accessed 13 October 2022. https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/communities/sites/jrccties/files/dewp_201802_digital_transformation_of_news_media_and_the_rise_of_fake_news_final_180418.pdf
By: Ningzehui Han -
Year: 2022
- Keywords:
- application
- service design
A study of Japanese influenced packaging design for Thai products
Over the past decade until now, Japanese design has been playing a significant impact on Japanese packaging design industry, and it has become more and more a substantial trend in nowadays. Good packaging is an essential part of any product. …Read more
1. Chung, WJ & Shin, CS 2016, ‘Japanese Packaging Design: An Approach Through Ideogram Language’, Advances in Affective and Pleasurable Design, vol. 483, pp. 447-456.
2. Smith, P & Taylor, J 2004, ‘An integrated approach’, Marketing Communications, vol. 4, pp.
By: Pandada Vanichpanya -
Year: 2020
- Keywords:
- Packaging
- Japanese design
How can design thinking enable international students to connect with their new communities and develop a genuine feeling of belonging and community efficacy?
In this practice based research, through literature review research, I learned about the common problems that international students face in their host communities and some of the factors that caused them to lack a sense of belonging to the host …Read more
1.Den Dekker, T 2020, Design Thinking, Taylor & Francis Group, Milton.
2. Garcia, H.A, Garza, T & Yeaton-Hromada, K 2019, ‘Do We Belong? A Conceptual Model
for International Students’ Sense of Belonging in Community Colleges’, Journal of
International Students, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 460-487.3. Still B & Crane K 2016, Fundamentals of User-Centered Design: A Practical Approach, CRC Press, Florida
By: Pengling Li -
Year: 2021
- Keywords:
- design thinking
- UX design
The Science Behind Design
The Science Behind Design is a practice-lead project based on visual communication within healthcare. An illustrated story was design and written based on the ‘Human Allergic Response’ as an example of a communicative effort between …Read more
1. Graham, S & Brookey, J 2008, ‘Do Patients Understand?’, Permanente Journal, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 67-69.
2. Houts, P, Doak, C, Doak, L & Loscalzo, M 2006, ‘The role of pictures in improving health communication: A review of research on attention, comprehension, recall, and adherence.’, Patient Education and Counseling, vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 173-190.
3. Paulovich, B 2012, ‘Designing for Health Education: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Visual Communication’, viewed 19 August 2020, ResearchGate database.
By: Pettigrew, Alexandra -
Year: 2020
- Keywords:
- visual communication
- allergic response
- health literacy
- storytelling
The Future of the Independent Design Media
This research aims to develop an independent local design media for interior designers and build their business strategy a combined online and print magazine with social media. This project used practice-based research to develop a strategy and …Read more
1. Wikstorm, P & Ellonen H, 2012, The impact of social media features on print media firms’ online business models, Journal of Media Business Studies,43 vol.9, issue 3, viewed 10 October, <https://www-tandfonline-com.ezproxy.lib. rmit.edu.au/doi/pdf/10.1080/16522354.2012.11073552?needAccess=true>.
2. Pavel, C 2015, ‘The growing importance of social media in business marketing’, Quaetus, Jun 2015, issue 7, pp.94-98, viewed 20 August 2018, Proque st Central.
3.McNiff, J & Whitehead, J, 2006, All you need to know about Action Research, Sage, London, UK.
By: Reiji Yamakura -
Year: 2019
- Keywords:
- publishing
- publication design
- web design
- independent media
- cafe design
- print media
Designing a national branding for Malaysia
National branding is always a challenging task especially when designing a simple logo that communicates about a country’s identity and sending the message to the world to see. It is the primary focus on the research. It is to create a design …Read more
1. Olins, W, 2014, ‘Brand New: The Shape of Brands to Come’, Chapter 7 National Prosperity and Nation Branding, pp 132-153; Thames & Hudson, original published in 2014.
2. Donnie, K, 2008, ‘Nation Branding: Concepts, Issues, Practice’, Chapter 1: The Relevance, scope and evolution of nation branding, pp 13-30; Butterworth-Heinemann original published in 2008.
3. Jordan, P, 2014, ‘Nation Branding: A Tool for Nationalism’, Journal of Baltic Studies, original published 2014.
By: Rubinden Kumar -
Year: 2018
- Keywords:
- identity design
- national branding
- branding
- malaysia
Metric: Mapping controls of parametric fonts for low vision accessibility
More than 1 billion people globally have low vision, i.e. a vision loss less than blindness and can be helped. Current accessibility solutions focus mostly on the blind, or have less optimised user interfaces, rendering them impractical and only …Read more
1.Arditi, A., 2004. Adjustable typography: an approach to enhancing low vision text accessibility. Ergonomics 47, 469–482. https://doi.org/10.1080/0014013031000085680
2.Arditi, A., Lu, J., 2008. Accessible Web Browser Interface Design for Users with Low Vision. Nd Annu. Meet. 5.
3.Xiao, G., Xu, G., Lu, J., 2010. iBrowse: Software for low vision to access Internet, in: 2010 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics. Presented at the 2010 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, pp. 2062–2066. https://doi.org/10.1109/BMEI.2010.5639642
By: Sarvani Nadiminti -
Year: 2021
- Keywords:
- Low vision
- Accessibility
- Assistive devices
- Parametric typography
- Human-centred design
- User experience design
- User interface design
- Practice-based research
Co-Design for Community Create Public Policy
Amplifying the voices of citizens in the community is a priority for both public and community-based organisations, however, encouraging those who aren’t active and regular voices within those public realms is one of the larger shared …Read more
1. Better Reykjavik 2009, Better Reykjavik, The City of Reykjavik, Citizens, viewed 3 September 2020, https://betrireykjavik.is/domain/1.
2. Centre for Public Impact 2018, Enablement: how governments can achieve more by letting go, viewed 1 September 2020, https://www.centreforpublicimpact.org/the-enabling-state-how-governments-can-achieve-more-by-letting-go/.
3. OECD 2019, Embracing Innovation in Government: Global Trends 2019, viewed 3 October 2020, https://www.oecd.org/gov/innovative-government/embracing-innovation-in-government.pdf.
By: Simon Scougall -
Year: 2020
- Keywords:
- co-design
- Service Design
- participatory design
- human-centered design
Stakito: Multi-sensorial game-based learning for Dyslexia
Dyslexia is a neurobiological disorder that can strike anyone at any age but is most commonly diagnosed at early ages of childhood. There are several interventions available in various fields but one of the most common interventions through design …Read more
1. Vasalou, A, Khaled, R, Holmes, W, & Gooch, D 2017, Digital games-based learning for children with dyslexia: A social constructivist perspective on engagement and learning during group game-play, Computers & Education, Vol. 114, pp. 175–192.
2. Ritchey, Kristen D, Goeke, Jennifer L 2011, Orton-Gillingham and Orton-Gillingham Based Reading Instruction: A Review of the Literature, The Journal of special education, Vol. 40(3), p. 171-183.
3. Egenfeldt-Nielsen, S 2007, Third Generation Educational Use of ComputerGames, Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 16(3)
4. Kalmpourtzis, G 2018, Educational game design fundamentals: A journey to creating intrinsically motivating learning experiences, Chapman and Hall, CRC
5. Holmes, W 2011, Using game‐based learning to support struggling readers at home, Learning, Media and Technology, 36(1)
6. Mayer, R. E 2011, Multimedia learning and games, Computer games and instruction, Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, NC, pp. 281–305
By: Sumit Saha -
Year: 2021
- Keywords:
- dyslexia
- service design
- game-based learning
- accessibility Design
Up? Down? Left? Right? - Experiencing Vietnamese diacritics in the type design process
Designers and typographers nowadays have more options to choose typefaces in their design compared to one-hundred years ago as the typeface design industry is growing fast recently. New font families are released every day from sans-serif to display …Read more
1.Gaultney, V 2002, Problems of diacritic design for Latin script text faces, UK thesis, SIL International Publications, viewed 1 September 2019, https://www.sil.org/resources/archives/9816.
2.Trương, D 2018, Vietnamese Typography, Donny Trương, viewed 23 July 2019, https://vietnamesetypography.com.
3.Microsoft, 2017, Character design standards - Diacritics for Latin 1, Microsoft, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/develop/character-design-standards/diacritics.
By: Thy Ha -
Year: 2019
- Keywords:
- type design
- typography
- diacritics
- Vietnamese typography
- Vietnamese diacritics
Machine learning assisted design: a design exploration of my generative symbol design practice
Machine learning (ML) is utilized in many fields, but it threatens to replace humans in some occupations where ML is a cheaper alternative. Communication design is one such area. The development of a large body of work over many decades, much of …Read more
1. Fayek, H, Lech M, Cavedon L, 2017, Evaluating Deep Learning Architectures for Speech Emotion Recognition, Neural Networks 92, pp. 60-68
2. Carnahan, B & Dorris, N, 2004, User-Centered Symbol Design through Human-computer Collaboration, Proceeding of the Human Factors and Ergonomic Society, 48th, pp. 808-811
3. Jordan, Mitchell, 2015, Machine learning: Trends, perspectives, and prospects, Science, Artificial Intelligence, p.255
By: Tianyi Chen -
Year: 2020
- Keywords:
- machine learning
- symbol design
- generative design
Typography for non-designers: An interactive website
Typography is a fundamental part of communication design. Type possesses physical attributes like size, width, and contrast and has potential emotive qualities like sophistication, accessibility, and warmth. Trained and formally educated designers …Read more
1. Lupton, E 2004, Thinking with Type- A critical guide for designers, writers, editors and students, Princeton Architectural Press, New York
2. Kim, S, Song, K, Lockee, B & Burton, J 2018, Gamification in Learning and Education Enjoy Learning Like Gaming, Springer International Publishing AG, Switzerland
3. Van Leeuwen, T 2005, Introducing Social Semiotics, Routledge, London & New York.
By: Twinkle Jumani -
Year: 2021
- Keywords:
- Interactive website
- Gamification
- Anime
- Typography
- Human-centred design
- Character design
- Storytelling
- Design Education
Present and future:Explore future lifestyles through speculative design
This research project is intended to provide preliminary support for the exploration of future links between speculative design and modern lifestyle. In contemporary cities, the fast pace of life and the rapid elimination of materials make people …Read more
1. Hausen, JE 2019, Minimalist life orientations as a dialogical tool for happiness, British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 47:2, 168-179, DOI: 10.1080/03069885.2018.1523364
2.Viswanathan, L & George, V 2018, Greening of business: A step towards sustainability. Journal of Public Affairs, 18(2), e1705–n/a. https://doi.org/10.1002/pa.1705.
3.Wright, C. 2010, Minimalism explained [Blog post]. Retrieved from
By: Xiaolu Zhang -
Year: 2020
- Keywords:
- Speculative Design
- minimalism
- future lifestyle
- consumerism
- experience trailers
How can we create a more homely and playful children’s hospital waiting room environment?
Healthcare waiting experiences may cause trauma for children (SilavUtkan 2012, p.112; Lerwick 2016, p.143). Lerwick (2016, p.143) states that in the healthcare waiting room, children will feel anxious to a certain extent, and these experiences will …Read more
1. Engvall, G, Lindh, V, Mullaney, T, Nyholom, T, Lindh, J & Angstrom-Brannstrom, C 2018, ‘Children’s experiences and responses towards an intervention for psychological preparation for radiotherapy’, Radiation Oncology, vol. 13, no.9, viewed 9 September 2020, Springer Nature database.
2. Buxton, B 2010, Sketching User Experiences: Getting the Design Right and the Right Design. 1st ed. San Francisco, Calif: Morgan Kaufmann.
By: Xiaoyu Zhang -
Year: 2020
- Keywords:
- Service Design
- Children
- Healthcare waiting room
- homely and playful
Indigenous seasons interpretation with the comparison between different culture background
Cross-culture design is worth to be explored for designers and audiences. Designers face the challenge to understand and interpret the different cultural ideas and audiences choose to receive and accept the implication designers convey. Difficulties …Read more
1.Ezio, M, 2015, Design in the transition phase: a new design culture for the emerging design<http://ezproxy.its.rmit.edu.au/login?url=https://search.proquest.com/docview/2034 184809?accountid=13552>
2.Julier, G, 2015, From Design Culture to Design Activismhttps://doi.org/10.2752/175470813X13638640370814
3.Leong, BD, Clark, H, 2003, Culture-Based Knowledge Towards New Design Thinking and Practice—A Dialogue Benny Ding Leong in conversation with Hazel Clark< https://www-mitpressjournals-org.ezproxy.lib.rmit.edu.au/doi/pdf/10.1162%2F074793603768290838>
By: Xingyu Liu -
Year: 2020
- Keywords:
- Communication Design
- Cross-culture
- indigenous season
- calendar
- graphic design
- illustration
Retail Experience Design for Consumption in Our New Era
In recent years, consumers are demanding more and more from the 'home' in their homes. These consumers are also looking forward to life and organising and decorating their 'homes'. This project is a comprehensive, in-depth and systematic analysis of …Read more
1.Knee, C 2002, 'Learning from experience: five challenges for retailers', International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, vol. 30, no. 11
Pine, J & Gilmore, J 1998, Welcome to the Experience Economy, Harvard Business Review.
Pullman, ME & Gross, MA 2004, 'Ability of Experience Design Elements to Elicit Emotions and Loyalty Behaviors', Decision Sciences, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 551-578.
By: Xinwei Du -
Year: 2022
- Keywords:
- pastel
- warm
- wood
- modern
- comfortable
Chat with Art: To design a user-centred mobile app for the National Gallery of Victoria
This research project investigates how we may improve the experiences of young adults at the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) through the design of a smartphone application. Through the method of the user-centred design, I look at the needs …Read more
1. Bucholtz, M, 2000, “Language and Youth Culture”, American Speech, vol. 75, no. 3, pp 280-283.
2. Karen, H & Gianna, M, 2019, “For Me or Not for Me? Exploring Young Adults”, Museum Representations, Leisure Sciences, vol. 41, no. 6, Routledge, 2019, pp. 516–34.
3. Li, R.Y. & Liew, A.W. 2015, "An interactive user interface prototype design for enhancing on-site museum and art gallery experience through digital technology", Museum Management and Curatorship, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 208.
By: Xinyu Liu -
Year: 2021
- Keywords:
- User Experience
- Mobile app design
- User-centred design
- Young adults
Pop-up Book for Kids
Nowadays, with the rapid development of digital media, people are harassed by endless information every day. I am thinking that perhaps the most important thing in this era is not how to get more information, but how to read the information better. …Read more
1. Wulandari, N 2020, ‘Development of Pop-Up Book Media Based on Balanced Literacy Approach to Improve Skills of Reading Class 1 Students Basic School’, International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, vol. 7, pp.619-627.
2. Vate-U-Lan, P 2011, ‘Augmented Reality 3D pop-up children book: Instructional design for hybrid learning’, ICELIE, November 2011, pp. 95-100.
By: Yan Liu -
Year: 2020
- Keywords:
- Publication Design
- paper engineering
- children
- Classic of Mountains and Seas.
Fruit label design for people with Colour Vision Deficiency
This research idea would be to design fruit labels for people with colour blindness, improving their overall experience in physical shopping. This research has discovered that integrating a colour palette onto existing fruit sticker designs are a …Read more
1. Boyette, M, Sanders, DC & Rutledge, GA 1996, ‘Packaging Requirements for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables’, NC State Extension Publications, viewed 10 June 2021, https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/packaging-requirements-forfresh-fruits-and-vegetables#section_heading_9478
2. Ferrer, J & López, CE 2019, Fruitone | The fruit guide for color blind people, Behence, viewed 10 June 2021, <https://www.behance.net/ gallery/82003563/Fruitone-The-fruit-guide-for-color-blind-people>
3. Jtechsystems 2021, ‘Designing Great Labels’, J-Tech Systems, viewed 10 June 2021, https://www.jtechsystems.com.au/product/designing-great-labels/
By: Yifei Wu -
Year: 2021
- Keywords:
- Inclusive design
- Packaging Design
- Colour-Blindness
- Colour Vision Deficiency
Towards healthy sleep: Exploring persuasion theory in User Interface design
The development of the Internet and technology has changed people's work and life, and people's work efficiency has been improved, while sleep disturbance has become increasingly prominent. Affected by electronic products, young people are in the …Read more
Journal of Ergonomics 57 (2021): n. pag. -
n. pag.
By: Yu Liu -
Year: 2022
- Keywords:
- User experience design
- User interface design
- application design
- insomnia
How illustrations play a role in the travel industry
This research project investigates how communication design can improve COVID-19's domestic tourism downturn in Australia. Many countries have halted some or all international travel since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Australian tourism …Read more
1.nebraskapassport.com, 2021, [online] Available at: https://nebraskapassport.com/passport-details/2020-passport-stops/
2.Stoetzer, C, 1953, Postage Stamps as Propaganda. Washington: Public Affairs Press.
3.Altman, D,1991, Paper Ambassadors: The politics of stamps. North Ryde: Angus & Robertson.
By: Zhenni Xia -
Year: 2021
- Keywords:
- design strategy
- COVID-19
- domestic travel
Histories in Comics
'Histories in comics' was a research aiming to investigate the relationship between comic design and primary school students' history education. History usually was regarded as a complex subject for young students. Previous research pointed out that …Read more
McCloud, S 1993, Understanding Comics : the Invisible Art, Northampton, MA: Tundra Pub.
Zagkotas, V 2019, 'Are comic books appropriate for teaching History? Three suggestions for Greek Primary Education', Education 3-13, Vol. 47, no. 3, pp.358-365.
By: Zhen Xiong -
Year: 2022
- Keywords:
- Comics
- History
- Children education
- Illustration
Histories in Comics
'Histories in comics' was a research aiming to investigate the relationship between comic design and primary school students' history education. History usually was regarded as a complex subject for young students. Previous research pointed out that …Read more
2. McCloud, S 1993, Understanding Comics : the Invisible Art, Northampton, MA: Tundra Pub.
3. Zagkotas, V 2019, 'Are comic books appropriate for teaching History? Three suggestions for Greek Primary Education', Education 3-13, Vol. 47, no. 3, pp.358-365.
By: Zhen Xiong -
Year: 2021
- Keywords:
- comics
- history
- children's education
- Illustration
Incorporating Empathy in the Design of a Vegetarian Restaurant
This research project aims to focus on the connection between the approach to designing a vegetarian restaurant and the process of integrating designers to empathise with customers, exploring all the empathy designers need to have when designing a …Read more
Bonacho, R, de, SAP, Viegas, C, Martins, JP, Pires, MJ, & Estêvão, SV (eds) 2018, Experiencing Food, Designing Dialogues : Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Food Design and Food Studies (EFOOD 2017), Lisbon, Portugal, October 19-21 2017, Taylor & Francis Group, Milton.
Writingprincess. 2020, ''Stop Bastardizing Design with False Empathy", The Startup, < https://medium.com/swlh/stop-bastardizing-design-with-false-empathy-6a06d431bab3>
By: Zihan Gu -
Year: 2022
- Keywords:
- vegetarian restaurant
- empathy
- customer experience