Reiji Yamakura

The Future of the Independent Design Media


This research aims to develop an independent local design media for interior designers and build their business strategy a combined online and print magazine with social media. This project used practice-based research to develop a strategy and designs for online and print media. It examines the question, ‘How can hybrid media approaches help print media survive in the age of social media and web dominance?'.

Today, the role of media is changing. In the past, its role was to provide new information to the readership, today its role seems to provide not only news but also a platform for communication. In addition, after the Internet, many traditional publishers have struggled with their business because of changing customer's behaviour towards consuming information.

Moreover, in today's society, consumers are used to obtaining information from blogger and influencers on social media such as Instagram instead of an established publisher. On the other hand, the current mass media trend changed from mass to personal by the growth of social media. Then, this research aimed to develop a valuable way for independent media because the independent media seems to have a possibility to build an intimate relationship with the audience rather than leading publishing firm.

The literature review revealed that cafe design was chosen as the main theme of this media because Melbourne's cafe culture is well-known globally today. While, the majority of interior designers in other countries like Japan are unfamiliar with Melbourne's beautiful cafe design. Moreover, some interior designers based in Tokyo have a keen interest in Melbourne's cafe design, but they have less opportunity to obtain architectural information written in Japanese. Therefore, these cafe topics have value to explore a new way of bilingual local publishing.

The methodology for this project incorporated practice-based research and action research. All of the practice in each stage due to obtaining three objectives, namely finalise the strategy, develop communication & audience engagement, and finalise prototype. This research discovered the value of cross border design process and recognised the importance of optimising appropriate information for each channel respectively to provide cafe design taxonomy, an immersive experience, and building trust with the audience.

  • The goal of this phase was developing brand identity, website and magazine as ver.1 for the local cafe design media. Starting with concept making and developing business strategy with business model canvas. Through this phase, I tried to think of the whole customer experience.
  • The goal of this phase was developing brand identity, website and magazine as ver.1 for the local cafe design media. Starting with concept making and developing business strategy with business model canvas. Through this phase, I tried to think of the whole customer experience.

  • In phase 2, business strategy was revised to build more feasible plan for the cafe design media with 2 years timeline. Moreover, the social media usage was considered to obtain advertisement revenue.
  • In phase 2, business strategy was revised to build more feasible plan for the cafe design media with 2 years timeline. Moreover, the social media usage was considered to obtain advertisement revenue.

  • The online magazine aimed to build interactive communication between readership and the local cafe media. Moreover, it was designed to provide taxonomy of cafe design in Melbourne and Tokyo.
  • The online magazine aimed to build interactive communication between readership and the local cafe media. Moreover, it was designed to provide taxonomy of cafe design in Melbourne and Tokyo.

  • Artefacts

  • Select Bibliography

    1. Wikstorm, P & Ellonen H, 2012, The impact of social media features on print media firms’ online business models, Journal of Media Business Studies,43 vol.9, issue 3, viewed 10 October, <https://www-tandfonline-com.ezproxy.lib.>.

    2. Pavel, C 2015, ‘The growing importance of social media in business marketing’, Quaetus, Jun 2015, issue 7, pp.94-98, viewed 20 August 2018, Proque st Central.

    3.McNiff, J & Whitehead, J, 2006, All you need to know about Action Research, Sage, London, UK.